Buildings & Places

Images of Mazra‘ih, where Bahá’u’lláh resided when He finally left the prison city of ‘Akká at the request of the Muftí of ‘Akká in June 1877

Aerial view of the Mansion of Mazra'ih and surrounding gardens, April 1979

Gate entrance to the Mansion of Mazra'ih

Mansion of Mazra'ih with small pool in the foreground

Staircase leading to the upper level of the Mansion

Mansion of Mazra'ih

Door detail at the Mansion of Mazra'ih

Courtyard detail at the Mansion of Mazra'ih

Door detail at the Mansion of Mazra'ih

Small pool at the Mansion of Mazra'ih

Mansion of Mazra'ih and surrounding gardens

Mansion of Mazra'ih

Doorway at the Mansion of Mazra'ih

Entryway at the Mansion of Mazra'ih

Mansion of Mazra'ih

Mansion of Mazra'ih, c. 1930

Flowers at the Mansion of Mazra'ih

Door at the Mansion of Mazra'ih

Mansion of Mazra'ih and surrounding gardens

Mansion of Mazra'ih

Orange tree at the Mansion of Mazra'ih

Mansion of Mazra'ih and surrounding gardens, March 1973

Mansion of Mazra'ih, 1952

Entrance at the Mansion of Mazra'ih

Door at the Mansion of Mazra'ih

Mansion of Mazra'ih

Mansion of Mazra'ih and surrounding gardens

Mansion of Mazra'ih and surrounding gardens

Staircase leading to the upper level of the Mansion

Mansion of Mazra'ih and surrounding gardens

Mansion of Mazra'ih

Mansion of Mazra'ih, c. 1900