Activities of the Bahá’í Community

Images of Bahá’ís alongside others in forums and discussions concerned with aspects of humanity’s wellbeing and progress

Religious leaders and World Bank officials gathered in February 2015 to discuss the moral imperative for ending extreme poverty

Representatives from the Bahá’í community who attended an event hosted by the King and Queen of Norway to promote greater inter-ethnic and inter-religious dialogue and understanding

First Minister of Scotland Nicola Sturgeon sits at the head of a table at which gathered representatives of the country's religious groups, 8 September 2015 in Edinburgh. Bahá’í representative Jeremy Fox is seated front left

A panel presentation and discussion on <q>religion and social change</q>, during a conference on religion and governance held in Barcelona, Spain

Representatives from various civil society and religious organizations take part in a conference on the role of youth in society

Representatives of the Bahá’í International Community at the United Nations meeting for youth held in Montevideo, Uruguay

Dr. Hoda Mahmoudi (left), holder of the Bahá’í Chair for World Peace, addresses the audience of the Global Transformations conference at the University of Maryland

Bahá’í representative (at the podium) presents at the seminar Applying Spiritual Principles and Scientific Methods to Development Practice, organized by the Bahá’í Chair for Studies in Development at Devi Ahilya University in Indore, India

A panel discussion at the conference on governance at the Centro de Estudios Politicos y Constitucionales (Center for Political and Constitutional Studies) in Madrid

In 1985, Madam Ruhiyyih Rabbani, the widow of Shoghi Effendi and a Hand of the Cause, presented The Promise of World Peace to United Nations Secretary General Javier Perez de Cuellar

In the 1920s and 1930s, the Bahá’í community of the United States sponsored a series of <q>race amity</q> conferences and meetings, like this one held by the New York Bahá’í Assembly and the New York Urban League in New York City in 1930

A panel discussion at <q>Our Whole Society: Bridging the Religious-Secular Divide</q> conference, held 22-24 March 2015 at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada

The BIC delegation to the 55th Commission for Social Development

A panel discussion at an event called <q>Education Under Fire</q> co-sponsored by the Bahá’í Community of New York City and Amnesty International

A panel discussion at <q>Our Whole Society: Bridging the Religious-Secular Divide</q> conference, held 22-24 March 2015 at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada

Bahá’í representative (right) and Alia Hogben (left), director of the Canadian Council of Muslim Women, in a panel discussion at the <q>Our Whole Society: Bridging the Religious-Secular Divide</q> conference, held 22-24 March 2015 at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada

Up to 90 representatives from diverse religious organizations gathered at the royal palace in Oslo as part of efforts to promote greater inter-religious dialogue and understanding

Bahá'í representative after her presentation, <q>What is governance?</q> at the conference on religion and governance held in Barcelona, Spain

Attendees participate in a roundtable discussion at a conference on the role of youth in society in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia